Depaul school & Junior college
Our school provides a uniquely global education that goes beyond grades to develop all- round academic excellence- building resilient minds and encouraging positive, multicultural prospective. Underpinning this is ‘The MIS Way’- the six focal points we know to be present in the most successful schools globally. Energised leadership, Personalised learning, People growth, community Innovation and Brilliant Basics. De Paul Public School remains to be an extraordinary institution, joining forces in an inspiring world of education with one common purpose: building self- belief and empowering individuals to succeed. It aims at paving the way in equipping young people with confidence and resourcefulness that prepares them to grow, thrive and find their success in a fast changing and most challenging world.
“Let all things be done with charity”

Our mission is to provide a dynamic educational environment by encouraging excellence. All students are challenged to reach their maximum potential by learning at their functional level to provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and values. This foundation enables each student to become a well – educated, productive adult who will be able to cope with an ever changing world
As catholic Christian educators, we challenge and strive to empower all students to become increasingly aware of their basic self-worth, making every effort to transform them into persons of character, compassion, commitment, leadership and service to “God and to the Country”. Our mission is to provide a dynamic educational environment by encouraging excellence. All students are challenged to reach their maximum potential by learning at their functional level to provide a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and values. This foundation enables each student to become a well – educated, productive adult who will be able to cope with an ever changing world.To become a learning community committed to excellence where everyone grows to one’s best potential and help others to do the same in a safe and nurturing environment. De Paul Public School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi since 2000. Established in 1998, the De Paul Public School, owned by ‘De Paul Trust” under the auspicious of St.Joseph’s Province of the Vincentian Congregation has achieved significant results in providing high quality education at the primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary levels. The institution is entitled to enjoy the benefits of article 30 of the Constitution of India. It is established and administrated by Catholic Christian minority Community. The Motto of the school is “For God and Country”
The best way to experience our wide collection of sweets is to visit the store. Follow the aromas and choose the most enticing sweets to satisfy your palate.It is the aim of De Paul Public School to provide the best possible education to its students. Being a Christian minority school. It primarily aims at meeting the educational requirements of Catholic Children. De Paul School aims at developing in the students qualities of integrity, honesty, trust, tolerance and compassion to promote a spirit of enquiry to foster a scientific temper within the bounds of humanism to help the student to become a meaningful part of his environment and to know that courage and industry have their due reward. The ultimate goal of the school programme is the all round development of students’ personality. We base our training deeply on the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all men.

Contact Us
- De Paul Public School Rajamudi Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN - 685 515
- + 04868 260400
- 9449210765